The Fourth National DNP Conference

and the First DNP “Meet and Greet” Market

Took Place 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana

The turn out and energy for this event was outstanding.

Many attendees shared that they made great contacts and perhaps

some career moves due to this event.





The First National DNP Meet & Greet Market was a great success!

Some well known organizations participated:

  • Georgetown University
  • Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
  • Loyola University, New Orleans
  • Patty Hanks Shelton School of Nursing, Abilene, TX
  • University of Alabama Huntsville
  • National Library of Medicine
  • Professional Services Network, Inc.: Phoenix, Arizona and Columbus, OH

The 2012 Meet & Greet Market taps into the expertise of conference attendees. Please contact us to participate.

The DNP Careers Page has new listings.
If your organization is seeking DNP qualified professionals, please contact us.

All 2011 Meet & Greet Market Participants receive a free 60 day DNP Web Site.

The Careers Page Offers competitive rates for listings and is now connected with Facebook and Twitter. .