Home Forums Important DNP Student Surveys: Please Complete to Support Colleagues The Influences that Promote Identification and Response of Trafficked Persons by Nurses with a Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree

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    DNP Inc.

    Survey Implied Consent.

    My name is Shaneke Pryce I am a graduate student at Molloy University: 1000 Hempstead Ave, Rockville Centre, NY 11570.

    You are being invited to participate in this research study of An Exploration of The Influences That Promote Identification and Response of Trafficked Persons by Nurses with A Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree am interested in finding out about knowledge and confidence to respond to human trafficking.

    Your participation in this study will require the completion of the attached link. This should take approximately 15 minutes of your time. Your participation will be anonymous, and you will not be contacted again in the future. At the conclusion of the online survey, you will have the option via a QR code link separate from the research study link to enter a raffle for one of two $50 Amazon gift cards. This survey involves minimal risk to you.

    You do not have to be in this study if you do not want to be. You do not have to answer any question that you do not want to answer for any reason. We will be happy to answer any questions you have about this study.

    If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem you may contact me, Shaneke Pryce at Spryce1@lions.molloy.edu or my advisor, Dr Patricia A. Eckardt at peckardt@molloy.edu.

    If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Molloy University IRB Chair Dr. Patricia A. Eckardt: peckardt@molloy.edu

    If you choose to participate, please click the link below or scan the provided QR code.

    Thank you in in advance for your time and consideration.


    Shaneke Pryce, MSN, ACNPC-AG, FNP-C, CCRN

    Survey link: Provider Responses, Treatment and Care for Trafficked People

    Raffle Link: Raffle for a $50 Amazon Gift Card- Two Drawingssurveymonkey.com


    Paula S Lingeman

    Thank you for sharing this project. If there will be further information and training, I am very interested.
    Good luck in completing your DNP!
    Paula Lingeman, DNP MBA RN CENP


    Thank you for allowing me to be part of your study! If you need anything else I am more than willing to help!

    Sarah Cartwright

    Very interesting and unfortunately timely topic! Thank you for sharing the opportunity for this survey.

    Dawn Hipp

    What a great project! If you do provide education on the topic, I would be very interested. Thanks for offering me the opportunity to take part in your survey!

    Dr. Jean-A’Layn

    Kudos to you! I actually developed an screening and assessment process for human trafficking victims in the Emergency Department for my DNP project, with connection to a state agency, and was a big success! Currently working to get it implemented into a healthcare system state-wide. If I can be of any assistance, as I’ve become an expert of the years, I’d be more than happy to help!

    Michael Buckner

    Thank you for sharing this project. Living near the Texas/Mexico boarder this is a topic that hits near to home, literally and figuratively. It looks like there are others working different aspects on the same topic. As Clinical Informaticist, I’ve seen firsthand the power of collaboration. I hope that you’ll experience the same especially given the importance and sensitivity of this body of work.

    Ana B

    Hello Shaneke Pryce,

    Thank you for your study and adding to the knowledge base for this very important topic of human trafficking. I am currently taking an advanced role development course for the DNP degree, so I was not able to partake in your survey, but I look forward to learning the results of your study. I would like to add a few things on this very vital topic, since it is very prevalent in my city: Bakersfield, California.

    On January 28th 2023 I participated in the first Race Against Human Trafficking 5K run that supported the Kern County Family Justice Center Foundation for human trafficking victims. Here is where I learned more about this awful crime. It is highly profitable and has resulted in a rapidly growing criminal industry on our city streets and online. Traffickers can make up to $2,500 a day by forcibly selling victims in the sex trade industry. Traffickers can also brand their victims by forcing their victims to get the trafficker’s name tattooed on their body.

    State and federal law enforcement agencies, including the California Attorney General, define human trafficking as modern-day slavery. I also found it alarming that in California it’s only a misdemeanor if someone is caught in these crimes. During this 5K I learned the importance on sharing knowledge and pushing for the governor to make this criminal offense a felony to help reduce these alarming crimes. On April 25, 2023 according to an article in the Times of San Diego; Senate Bill 14 by Shannon Grove, a republican from Bakersfield, advocated for reducing human trafficking. In this bill, trafficking minors would be a felony, this bill passed its first hurdle in legislature.

    I also attended the 8th Annual Trauma Symposium conference last year in Clovis Ca, where I learned to look for signs when caring for patients in the Emergency room and ICU units that could be a victim. We learned how to approach them, the common tattoos they can have when branded, and what to do if we suspect they could be victims.

    Best of luck in your studies and thank you again for your choice of study.

    Ana B Ceja V.

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