Home Forums DNP Practice Issues The 4th Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort Reply To: Check out this graphic to anticipate future effort

Jorge Mesa

The COVID 19 has impacted and stretched healthcare resources. The graphic presents a very accurate description of the impact that the COVID 19 pandemic has had on the healthcare system and the different levels it has impacted. Although some of the waves have decrease, and services have returned to normal. The impact of the fourth wave has not been evaluated and yet understood. Healthcare professionals have endured mental and psychological trauma, and many have experienced burnout and decided the healthcare profession. The amount of cases has decreased, and many patients have recovered; the emotional impact on families is still happening, and the long-term effects will only be evident in many years. The closure of many services, schools, and the normal day-to-day human connection impact in mental health have yet to be studied, and the impact in society and interaction to be understood. Another element that needs to be included in the graphic is the impact and position of individuals related to the vaccine. The impact of reducing spread is another stressor that has not been quantified. As a healthcare leader, it is important to implement interventions to evaluate and address the emotional impact of healthcare professionals and the general public as the COVID pandemic continues to affect and impact daily activities. This graphic can help to predict and allocate resources where most needed.