Home Forums DNP Professional Growth The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP Reply To: The Discouragement Received From Nurse Colleagues When Pursuing DNP

Francis Tesoriere

I’ve felt something along the lines of what you mentioned in your post about discouragement or tension received by peers when discussing the personal topic of pursuing the DNP degree. Currently pursuing the DNP and working in a busy California emergency department, I’m a little surprised to find that other providers such as Attending/Resident Physicians and PAs have been the most encouraging when sharing with them that I’m pursuing the terminal degree. Nursing peers, especially those working in upper management/administration or as educators are not as receptive to the news of me pursuing the DNP. I can relate to your hesitancy surrounding even mentioning that you’re studying for your DNP. Peers will ask, “why don’t you just go to medical school?” alongside other similarly exhausting questions. To this I say, stay focused, keep studying. Remind and reinforce your peers of the merits of the DNP and why it is essential to the future of healthcare.